1. Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia UniversityNew YorkNYUSA
2. G.H. Sergievsky CenterCollege of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia UniversityNew YorkNYUSA
3. Department of NeurologyCollege of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia UniversityNew YorkNYUSA
4. Department of EpidemiologyMailman School of Public Health, Columbia UniversityNew YorkNYUSA
5. Department of PsychiatryCollege of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia UniversityNew YorkNYUSA
6. Department of MedicineCollege of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia UniversityNew YorkNYUSA
7. Inserm, 1061 NeuropsychiatryLa Colombière HospitalMontpellierFrance
8. Faculty of Medicine University of Montpellier 1MontpellierFrance
9. Department of Epidemiology and Public HealthFaculty of Medicine, Imperial College, University College LondonLondonUK