1. “Drtivá většina seniorů nepoužívá chytrý telefon.” [“The vast majority of seniors do not use a smartphone.”] [online] Available at: https://www.novinky.cz/internet-a-pc/mobil/clanek/drtiva-vetsina-senioru-nepouziva-chytry-telefon-40357905
2. Johnston, Raymond. (2020) “Four out of five Czechs use the Internet, but elderly still stay offline.” [online] Available at: https://www.expats.cz/czech-news/article/four-out-of-five-czechs-use-the-internet-but-elderly-still-stay-offline
3. A study of smartphone usage and barriers among the elderly;Mohadis,2014
4. Streit, Richard. (2018) “Senioři v Česku jdou s dobou, čím dál víc jich přechází na chytré telefony.” [“Seniors in the Czech Republic are moving with the times, more and more of them are switching to smartphones.”] [online] Available at: https://www.ceskymac.cz/seniori-v-cesku-jdou-s-dobou-cim-dal-vice-jich-prechazi-na-chytre-telefony/
5. Presnedi, Lea. (2020) “The generation gap in technical skills.” [online] Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/generation-gap-technical-skills-lea-presnedi/?articleId=6640301447906983936