1. See Sweden’s Strategy for the Arctic Region, Chapter 1.3, 〈https://web.law.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/microsites/climate-change/files/Arctic-Resources/Arctic-Council/Sweden%20Arctic%20Policy.pdf〉 (accessed on July 5, 2018). See also Robin Churchill, The European Union as an Actor in the Law of the Sea, with Particular Reference to the Arctic, (2018) 33 The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 290, p. 291.
2. According to the definition provided by the Arctic Portal, being an consultative organ under the Arctic Council, the Arctic may generally be considered as identical to the Arctic Circle: "The Arctic Circle (66, 33, 44 North): the Arctic Circle is the Southernmost latitude in the Northern Hemisphere at which the sun can continuously remain above or below the horizon for 24 h. The Arctic Portal is operated in consultation and co-operation with members of the Arctic Council and its Working Groups, Permanent Participants, Observers and other Stakeholders". 〈https://arcticportal.org/about-us〉 (Accessed on June 23, 2018).
3. China's Arctic Policy;State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China (SCIO),2018
4. The UNCLOS, Article 136.
5. The UNCLOS, Article 137 and 157.