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2. Standard SFS-EN 10 002-5: Metallic materials. Tensile testing. Part 5: Method of testing at elevated temperature (in Finnish). Federation of the Finnish Metal and Engineering Industries, Standards Department. Helsinki: 1992.
3. Standard EN 10 002-2: Metallic materials. Tensile testing. Part 2: Verification on the load cell of tensile testing machine. Federation of the Finnish Metal and Engineering Industries, Standards Department. Brussels: 1992.
4. Standard EN 10 002-4: Metallic materials. Tensile testing. Part 4: Verification of extensometers used in uniaxial testing. Federation of the Finnish Metal and Engineering Industries, Standards Department. Brussels: 1992.
5. Standard SFS-EN 10 113-3: Hot rolled products in weldable fine grade structural steels. Delivery conditions for thermomechanical rolled steels (in Finnish). Federation of the Finnish Metal and Engineering Industries, Standards Department. Helsinki: 1993.