1. Goldstein, K. The effect of brain damage on the personality. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Atlantic City, May 1952.
2. Johnson, N. B. Language rehabilitation of non-dominant hemisphere impairment. Paper presented at the Second Annual Postgraduate Course on The Rehabilitation of the Traumatic Brain Injured Adult, Richmond, Virginia, June 1978.
3. Boll, T. J. Influence of age-at-onset of brain damage on intellectual, perceptual, memory and motor performance of young children. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Montreal, Canada, 1973.
4. Tumbarello, R. J., & McDonald, L. Group therapy for head trauma rehabilitation clients. Unpublished manuscript, 1979. (Available from St. Francis Hospital, Psychology Department, North Rd., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12601.)
5. This information was gathered at the Seventh Annual Workshop for Rehabilitation Professionals, NYU Medical Center, N.Y., May, 1979. Workshop monographs include: Ben-Yishay, Ben-Nachum, Cohen, Gerstman, Gordon, Gross, Hofien, Piasetsky, and Rattok (1978).