1. Communication from the Commission: Europe 2020 – A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. European Commission, Brussels, COM(2010) 2020, 3 March 2010. (Europe 2020 website: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_en.htm)
2. Communication from the Commission: A sustainable future for transport: Towards an integrated, technology-led and user friendly system. European Commission, Brussels, COM(2009) 279, 17 June 2009. (Future of Transport website: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/strategies/2009_future_of_transport_en.htm)
3. Communication from the Commission: A European strategic energy technology plan (SET-Plan). European Commission, Brussels, COM(2007) 723, Brussels, 22 November 2007. (SET Plan website at http://ec.europa.eu/energy/technology/set_plan/set_plan_en.htm)
4. A portfolio of power-trains for Europe: a fact-based analysis. NEW-IG Secretariat/McKinsey, Brussels, Belgium, November 2010. Available online at: www.zeroemissionvehicles.eu [summarized in FCB, January 2011].