1. Avery, C., & Fisher, K. (1999). Information gathering behaviors in undergraduate students — a pilot study. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Detroit, MI, April 1999. The full results of the survey can be obtained from Christine Avery (e-mail cca2@psu.edu).
2. Building a campus presence one page at a time: web strategies for the small college library;Dewald,1999
3. Dickstein, R., Veldof, J., & Loomis, A. (1999). The user is the expert: experiences at three universities using usability studies to improve gateway and tutorial web designs. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Detroit, MI, April.
4. Gresham, J., Rock, E., & Suriano, D. (1999). Building information literacy with BRRICKS. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Detroit, MI, April.
5. Hildebrand, C. (1999). Off-campus library services. Paper presented at the annual Academic Librarians Day of the Michigan Libraries Association, Holland, MI, May.