1. Pan American Health Organization. Strategy and plan of action on donation and equitable access to organ, tissue, and cell transplants 2019-2030. 2019. https://iris.paho.org/bitstream/handle/10665.2/51392/CE164-20-e.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y. [accessed 28.12.23].
2. Pan American Health Organization. Progress reports on technical matters: B. Strategy and plan of action on donation and equitable access to organ, tissue, and cell transplants 2019-2030. 2023.https://www.paho.org/pt/documentos/ce172inf10-relatorios-progresso-sobre-assuntos-tecnicos-b-estrategia-e-plano-acao-sobre. [accessed 28.12.23].
3. Adverse events in cells, tissues, and organs donation and transplantation;Paim;BJT,2022
4. Brazil. Law n. 9.434 February 04, 1997. Provides for the removal of organs, tissues, and parts of the human body for transplantation and treatment purposes and provides other measures. 1997. https://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/l9434.htm. [accessed 28.12.23].
5. Brazil. Decree n. 9.175 October 18, 2017. Regulates Law No. 9,434, of February 4, 1997, to deal with the disposal of organs, tissues, cells, and parts of the human body for transplantation and treatment purposes. 2017.https://www2.camara.leg.br/legin/fed/decret/2017/decreto-9175-18-outubro-2017-785591-publicacaooriginal-153999-pe.html. [accessed 28.12.23].