1. A. L. BRASLOW and F. VISCONTI. Further experimental studies of area suction for the control of the laminar boundary layer on a porous bronze 64A010 aerofoil, NACA TN 2112, 1950.
2. M. R. HEAD, D. JOHNSON and M. COXON. Flight experiments on boundary layer control for low drag, RAE Report Aero 2541, March 1955.
3. W. PFENNINGER. Experiments with a 15 per cent thick slotted laminar suction wing model in the TDT tunnel at the NACA, Langley Field, AFTR-5982 October 1951.
4. W. PFENNINGER, E. E. GROTH, B. H. CARMICHAEL, and R. C. WHITES. Low drag boundary layer suction experiments in flight on the wing glove of an F-94A airplane. Phase I—suction through twelve slots, Northrop Corporation Norair Division Report NAI-55–458 (BLC-77), April 1955.
5. A. RASPET. Boundary layer studies on a sailplane, Aeronautical Engineering Review, Vol. 2, No. 6, 1952.