1. HUGUET, M., Assembly, Commissioning and First Operation of JET, IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering, Philadelphia, December 1986. Proceedings pp 834–842.
2. HUGUET, M. and BERTOLINI, E., Main Features of the JET Facility for D-T Operation, ANS Conference, Reno, USA, June 1986.
3. ROLFE, A.C., Remote Maintenance of the JET Tokamak, UKAEA Conference, March 1986. Proceedings Paper 8.
4. DEAN, J.R., Remote Maintenance of the JET Tokamak, EEC Conference, Marseilles, February 1986. Proceedings pp 175–184.
5. WYKES, M. et al., Remote Handling Tools for JET, Paper HP 42, 14th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Avignon, September 1986.