1. “Meteoroid Protection for Space Radiators,”;Loeffler,1963
2. “Hypervelocity impact damage characteristics in armored space radiator tubes,” NASA TN D-2472;Lieblein,1964
3. “Investigation of fundamental mechanism of damage to thin targets by hypervelocity projectiles,”;Maiden,1963
4. Millar, D. A. J., Friend, W.H., and Murphy, C.L., “On the impact of pellets with thin plates: Theoretical considerations – Pt. 2,” NASA CR-52289; Arthur D. Little Rept. 65008-05-03 (October 1963).
5. Denardo, B. P. and Nysmith, C.R., “Momentum transfer and cratering phenomena associated with the impact of aluminum spheres into thick aluminum targets at velocities up to 24,000 feet per second,” presented to the Fluid Dynamics Panel, AGARD, Marseilles, France, April 20, 1964; NASA TM X-54046 (April, 1964).