1. Hochstim, A.R., in “Kinetics, Equilibria, and Performance of High Temperature Systems.” {Proceedings of the First Conference, Western State Section, the Combustion Institute, Los Angeles, California, November 2–5, 1959), Butterworths, London, Washington, 1960.
2. Thermodynamic properties of gases at high temperature: 1. Chemical equilibrium among molecules, atoms, and atomic ions considered as clusters
3. Hochstim, A. R., in “Electromagnetic Effects of Re-entry” (Proceedings of Plasma Sheath Symposium, Boston, Mass., December 1959), Pergamon Press, 1961.
4. Hochstim, A. R., “Gas Properties Behind Shocks at Hypersonic Velocities. II. Introduction to General Thermodynamics of Real Gases,” Convair-San Diego, Physics Section, May 15, 1957. Report ZPh-003.
5. E. Meeron, “Contribution of Long Range Coulomb Interactions to the Free Energy of Seeded Air,” Convair-San Diego, Physics Section (in preparation).