1. The author acknowledges related research she carried out in mid-2001 for the E-Metrics Project, headed by Charles R. McClure of the Information Use Management and Policy Institute, School of Information Studies, Florida State University. That research updated, in part, her article, “Defining and Measuring the Library’s Impact on Campuswide Outcomes,” College & Research Libraries 59 (November 1998): 546–570.
2. The following sources have been used in the content analysis: Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities, Handbook of Accreditation. Online (January 2001). Available: http://www.wascweb.org/senior/wascsr.htm (accessed October 1, 2001); WASC Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Handbook of Accreditation and Policy Manual. Online (1996). Available: http://www.accjc.org/HANDBOK1.htm, and Standards: Shaping the Dialogue. Online (August 29, 2001 Draft). Available: http://www.accjc.org/(accessed October 1, 2001), and Distance Education Handbook. Online (1999). Available: http://www.accjc.org/dislearn.htm (accessed October 1, 2001); Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Higher Education, Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education: Standards for Excellence in Higher Education (Philadelphia, PA: Middle States Association, 1994), Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education. Online (August 2001 Draft). Available: http://www.msache.org/special (accessed October 1, 2001), and Framework for Outcomes Assessment (Philadelphia, PA: Middle States Association, 1996, Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Colleges, Standards. Online (1999). Available: http://www.cocnasc.org (accessed October 1, 2001); Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), Commission on Colleges, Criteria of Accreditation. Online (1998). Available: http://www.sacscoc.org/criteria.asp (accessed October 1, 2001) and Principles of Accreditation. Online (October 2001 Draft). Available: http://www.sacscoc.org/accrrevproj.asp (accessed October 24, 2001); North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission, General Institutional Requirements and Criteria for Accreditation. Online (1992; revised February 2001). Available: http://www.ncahigherlearningcommission.org/index.html (accessed October 1, 2001), and Assessment of Student Academic Achievement: Levels of Implementation. Online (March 2001). Available:http://www.ncahigherlearningcommission.org/resources/assessment/index.html (accessed October 1, 2001); New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education. Standards for Accreditation. Online (1992; updated 2001). Available: http://www.neasc.org/cihe/stancihe.htm (accessed October 1, 2001), and Pilot Institutional Assessment Portfolios. Online (2001). Available:www.neasc.org/cihe/pilot_assessment.htm (accessed October 1, 2001); and New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Technical and Career Institutions, Eligibility Requirements and Standards of Membership for Institutions of Higher Education at the Technical or Career Level. Online (1998). Available: http://www.neaxc.org/ctci/ctic.htm (accessed October 1, 2001).
3. WASC Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities, How to Become Accredited: Procedures Manual on Eligibility, Candidacy and Initial Accreditation. Online. (N.D.) Available: http://www.wascweb.org/senior/accreditation.html#eligibility (accessed October 1, 2001).
4. WASC Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities, Handbook of Accreditation, p.4
5. The criteria, questions and information about this initiative are located at the Web site, http://www.AQIP.org.