1. ISO/IEC DIS 10165-1/ITU-TS X.720, Management Information Model 1990
2. Ulrike Lechner, Christian Lengauer, Friederike Nickl, and Martin Wirsing, (Objects + Concurrency) & Reusability - A proposal to circumvent the inheritance anomaly, in: P. Cointe, ed., Proc. ECOOP'96, 10th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (LNCS 1098, Springer-Verlag, 1996) 232–247.
3. An object-oriented airport: Specification and refinement in Maude;Lechner,1995
4. Luis López Zueros and Isabel Pita, Disen̈o orientado a objetos aplicado a la gestión integrada de redes, Proc. Telecom I+D Conference (Madrid, 1992) 359–368.
5. Narciso Martí-Oliet and José Meseguer, Rewriting logic as a logical and semantic framework, Technical report SRI-CSL-93-05, Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International (August 1993). To appear in D. M. Gabbay, ed., Handbook of Philosophical Logic (Kluwer Academic Publishers).