1. World Health Organization (WHO). Indoor air pollution and health. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs292/en/ (Accessed 1 April 2022).
2. J.M.F. Mendoza, A. Gallego-Schmid, X.C. Schmidt Rivera, J. Rieradevall, A. Azapagic, Sustainability assessment of home-made solar cookers for use in developed countries, Sci. Total Environ., 648 (2019) 184–196, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.125.
3. Solar Cookers International (SCI). Classroom resources. https://solarcooking.fandom.com/wiki/Classroom_resources (Accessed 1 April 2022).
4. Solar Education Project (SEP). https://gdsnonprofit.org/solar-education-project (Accessed 1 April 2022).
5. GoSun Users discuss the best solar oven for a power outage. https://gosun.co/blogs/news/the-best-gosun-for-grid-failure (Accessed 1 April 2022).