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3. L. Zonta, A.A., Analisi dei fabbisogni energetici per la climatizzazione del complesso universitario “S. Nicola”: il caso estivo (Analysis of the energy needs for air conditioning of the university building “S. Nicola”: summer operations”), Dissertation in Management and Industrial Engineering, Lecturer Prof. R. Lazzarin, University of Padova, 1998–1999.
4. G. Dissegna, A.A., Analisi dei fabbisogni energetici per la climatizzazione del complesso universitario “S. Nicola”: il caso invernale (Analysis of the energy needs for air conditioning of the university building “S. Nicola”: winter operations”), Dissertation in Management and Industrial Engineering, Lecturer Prof. R. Lazzarin, University of Padova, 1998–1999.
5. L. Riello, A.A., Analisi sperimentale dell’impianto HVAC a pompa di calore con motore a gas del complesso “S. Nicola” a Vicenza (Experimental analysis of the HVAC plant with i.c. engine heat pump of the university building “S. Nicola”), Dissertation in Management and Industrial Engineering, Lecturer Prof. R. Lazzarin, University of Padova, 1998–1999.