1. ISO guide 34:2009 “General requirements for the competence of reference material producers”.
2. ISO guide 35:2009 “Certification of reference materials - General and statistical principles”.
3. Rivier C., Rigaux C., Roudil D., Adnet J.M. et al. CETAMA certified reference materials and PTS: two tools to assess the accuracy of Pu analysis methods. Pu Futures: The science conference - 15-20 July 2012 Cambridge (UK).
4. Hanssens A., Viallesoubrane C. CETAMA Plutonium references and round robin tests. Pu futures: The science conference. July 2008 – Dijon, France.
5. JCGM 100:2008 Evaluation of measurement data – Guide to expression of uncertainty in measurement. Joint Committee for guides in metrology.