1. Bolmer, S.T., Beardsley, R.C., Pudsey, C., Morris, P., Wiebe, P., Hofmann, E., Anderson, J., Maldonado, A., 2004. A high-resolution bathymetry map of Marguerite Bay and adjacent western Antarctic Peninsula shelf Southern Ocean GLOBEC program. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Report WHOI-2004-02, 76 pp.
2. Pudsey, C., 2002. Marine geology and geophysics on the continental shelf and slope of the Antarctic Peninsula in the NW Weddell Sea. R.R.S. James Clark Ross JR 71 Cruise Report, British Antarctic Survey Reference No. ES6/1/2002/1, 66 pp.
3. Pudsey, C., Morris, P., 2001. Swath bathymetry and TOPAS profiling on the Antarctic Peninsula margin and in Drake Passage. R.R.S. James Clark Ross JR 59 Cruise Report, British Antarctic Survey Reference No. ES6/1/2001/1, 36 pp.