1. Aberdeenshire Council, 2006. Managing Unauthorised Gypsy Traveller Sites. Aberdeenshire Council, Aberdeen. (accessed 05.08.08).
2. Aberdeenshire Council, 2007. Policy and Procedures for Managing Unauthorised Gypsy/Traveller Encampments. Aberdeenshire Council, Aberdeen. (accessed 04.08.08).
3. ACC, 2005. Chief Executive’s Progress Report. Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeen. (accessed 16.11.07).
4. ACC, 2007. Progress on the establishment of short-term halting sites for Gypsies/Travellers. Report by Corporate Directors for Neighbourhood Services. Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeen.
5. ACPOS, 2008. Operational Guidance for the Management of Unauthorised Encampments of the Gypsy/Traveller Community. Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland, Glasgow. (accessed 25.04.08).