Labeling trees with a condition at distance two


Calamoneri Tiziana,Pelc Andrzej,Petreschi Rossella


Elsevier BV


Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics,Theoretical Computer Science

Reference23 articles.

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1. L(1, d)-labeling number of direct product of two cycles;Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography;2022-05-24

2. On a distance-constrained graph labeling to model cooperation;Discrete Applied Mathematics;2022-01

3. L(1, 2)-labeling numbers on square of cycles;AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics;2020-06-09

4. L(j, k)-labeling Number of Cactus Graph;IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering;2018-12-28

5. L(j, k)-labeling Number of Generalized Petersen Graph;IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering;2018-12-28







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