1. Anon. EXTREN design manual, Strongwell, Bristol, Virginia, USA. http://www.strongwell.com. Accessed: 7-12-2017.
2. Anon. Creative pultrusions design guide, Creative Pultrusions Incorporated, Alum Bank, Pennsylvania, USA. http://www.creative.com. Accessed: 7-12-2017.
3. Anon. Design guide, Bedford Reinforced Plastics, Bedford, Pennsylvania, USA. http://www.bedfordreinforced.com. Accessed: 7-12-2017.
4. Structural design of polymer composites – EUROCOMP design code and Handbook,1996
5. (CUR) recommendation 96, fiber reinforced plastics in load bearing civil structures 2003, CUR commission 124, Civil Centre for Research and Design Guidance, Gouda, The Netherlands;Anon,2003