1. W. Dillon, Gas (methane) hydrates—a new frontier, US Geological Survey, at http://marine.usgs.gov/fact-sheets/gas-hydrates/title.html.
2. The role of the chemist in relation to the future supply of liquid fuel;Hibbert;Journal of Industrial and Chemical Engineering,1921
3. T.S. Collett, R. Lewis, T. Uchida, Growing interest in gas hydrates, Oilfield Review, Summer (2000) at http://www.oilfield.slb.com/media/resources/oilfieldreview/ors00/sum00/p42_57.pdf.
4. See http://www.icdp-online.de/sites/mallik/news/news.html.
5. Source: http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/natural_gas/analysis_publications.