1. ACAA, American Coal Ash Association, 2003. “FA facts for highway engineers”. Federal highway association report FHWA-IF-03-019.
2. ACAA, American coal ash association, 2006. “Clean coal technology—coal utilization by-products”. Topical report No. 24.
3. ACAA, American Coal Ash Association, August 2007. 2006 Coal combustion product (CCP) production and use survey.
4. ASTM, American Standards for Testing and Materials, 2006. Standard C593-06 “Standard specification for fly ash and other pozzolans for use with lime for soil stabilization”.
5. ASTM, American Standards for Testing and Materials, 2005. Standard C618-05 “Standard specification for coal fly ash and raw or calcined natural pozzolan for use in concrete”.