1. International Agency for Research on Cancers (IARC), Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk to humans, Supplement 7, 1987.
2. L.A. Wallace, Cancer risk from organic chemicals in homes, in: Proceedings of Environmental Risk Management, APCA, Pittsburgh, PA, 1986, pp. 14–24.
3. US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Cancer risk from outdoor exposure to air toxics PA-450/1-90-004a, 1990.
4. L.A. Wallace, The TEAM Study: Summary and Analysis, Vol. I, EPA 600/6-87/002a, NTIS PB 88-100060, USEPA, Washington, DC, 1987.
5. SCAQMD, South Coast Air Quality Management District, In-vehicle characterization study in the south coast air basin, Final Report, 1989.