1. (The complete bibliography up to 1902, excepting Wachtler's paper, also excellent abstracts of all the cases may be found in Nettleship's article.)
2. 1901. Wachtler. Augenaerztl. Mittheil. (Ulcus rod. corn.). Wien. med. Wochenschr. No. 2, and Ulcus rodens bei Tabes mit Sehnervenatroph. (Quoted after Nagel's Jahresber. f. O., XXXIII, 1901, p. 499).
3. 1902. Nettelship, E. Chronic serpiginous ulcer of the cornea (Mooren's ulcer). Trans. Ophthal. Soc. U. K., XX, 1902, p. 103.
4. Pathogenie de l'ulcus corneae rodens;Chesneau;Bull. et Mém. Soc. Franç. d'Opht.,1902
5. A case in which Mooren's “rodent ulcer” had six years previously involved the whole surface of each cornea;Collins;Trans. Ophth. Soc. U. K.,1902