1. The reef facies in the Jaagarahu Horizon of the Silurian of Esthonia.;Aaloe;Esti N.S.V. Teaduste Akad., Geol. Inst. Uurimused,1956
2. Jaagarahu lademe pangad;Aaloe;Eesti Loodus,1958
3. Stratigraphy of the Juuru (GI) and Tamsalu (GII) Stages;Aaloe;Eesti N.S.V. Teaduste Akad., Geol. Inst. Uurimused,1958
4. Review of the stratigraphy of the Palaeozoic and Quaternary deposits of the Esthonian S.S.R. Izv. Akad. Nauk Est. S.S.R.;Aaloe;Inst. Geol.,1958
5. On kloedenellids and cytherellids (Ostracoda Platycopa) from the Silurian of Gotland.;Adamczak;Stockholm Contrib. Geol.,1966