1. J. Schiers, Multi-PB distributed databases; IT Division, DB Group, CERN, Presentation available at: http://www.jamie.web.cern.ch/jamie/LHC-overview.ppt.
2. A. Gulli, A. Signorini, The indexable web is more than 11.5 billion pages, http://www.divms.uiowa.edu/~asignori/papers/the-indexable-web-is-more-than-11.5-billion-pages/.
3. Mozy Online Backup Storage at http://www.mozy.com/.
4. NetApp SnapMirror technical documentation at www.symantec.com/business/support/resources/.../288533.pdf.
5. K.S. Zahed, P.S. Rani, U.V. Saradhi, A. Potluri, Reducing storage requirements of snapshot backups based on rsync utility, in: Proceedings of First International Workshop on Communication Systems and Networks, COMSNET, 2009.