1. Prom Coast Guardians Inc., ‘Submission to Mandatory Renewable Energy Target (MRET) Review’, p. 3. Sourced at: www.mretreview.gov.au/list.html
2. Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) and Australian Wind Energy Association (AusWEA), Wind Farms and Visual Amenity, Fact Sheet 7, sourced at: www.auswea.com.au/WIDP/factsheets.htm
3. L. Allison, Senator for Victoria, quoted on Australian Broadcasting Corporation news bulletin, 22 February 2005.
4. I. Lloyd-Besson, President AusWEA, ‘Wind energy a breath of fresh air’, media release to Crookwell Gazette, 7 January 2005, sourced at: www.ausewa.com.au/downloads/Mediareleases/050107crrokwell.pdf.
5. Policy and planning guidelines for development of wind energy facilities in Victoria,2003