1. Australian Nursing Council (ANC), 2002. Principles for the assessment of national competency standards for registered and enrolled nurses. Canberra, Australia.
2. Australian Nursing Council Inc. (ANCI), 1994. Using the ANCI competencies. Assessing competencies in practice. An assessment kit. Canberra, Australia.
3. Australian Nursing Council Inc. (ANCI), 2000. National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse. Canberra, Australia.
4. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC), 2006. National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse, 4th ed. Retrieved February 1, 2007, from .
5. Wells, E., 2003. ANCI competencies: an investigation of uniqueness and importance. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Griffith University, Queensland.