V. Gafarov Valery,A. Gromova Elena,A. Strigaleva Ksenija,V. Gagulin Igor,V. Gafarova Almira
To analyze the association between trait anxiety and health attitude, awareness of risk factors, and prevention of cardiovascular disease in men and women aged 25–44 years. In 2013–2016, 427 men and 548 women of residents 25–44 years were studied. To assess TA (trait anxiety), a form of Spielberger’s self-report Trait Anxiety Inventory has been proposed. When interpreting the indicators, the following approximate estimates of anxiety were used: low TA (LTA), medium TA (MTA), and high TA (HTA). The framework of the budget issue Reg. No.122031700094-5. Respondents with HTA believed that they were “not quite healthy”; had complaints about their health; apparently did not take enough care of their health. People with HTA believed that it was “highly likely” that they would get a serious disease in the next 5–10 years. It turned out that only 5.1% of the population planned to consult a doctor with HTA, less than people with LTA - 12.1% (p < 0.05). It has been established that trait anxiety is associated with low self-esteem regarding one’s health status and insufficient awareness of both risk factors and prevention of CVD.
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