Psychosocial approaches in schizophrenia


Korkmaz Ulaş,Hocaoglu Cicek


Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder with unique symptoms and a decrease in all areas of functionality, causing severe disability. Psychosocial interventions are therapeutic interventions that enable individuals with mental disabilities to be taught the necessary skills in their social, professional, educational, and family roles and to provide the necessary support. Due to impairments in psychosocial functionality, patients with schizophrenia often need psychosocial interventions. In order to achieve complete recovery from schizophrenia, it is essential to apply psychosocial interventions in addition to pharmacotherapy. Studies have shown that psychosocial interventions improve patients’ functional areas and considerably increase their quality of life. This chapter aims to examine the psychosocial approach, recovery in schizophrenia, therapeutic alliance, and treatment compliance, and then to review psychoeducation, supportive therapies, cognitive remediation therapy, cognitive behavioral therapies, group therapies, family interventions, psychosocial skill training, community-based mental health services, occupational rehabilitation, case management, social supports, and motivational interviewing for substance use disorder, which are among the psychosocial treatment methods.



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