Preschool Improvement Practices


Katharina Jacobsson Anna


Early childhood education and care (ECEC) are current interests in many countries following international studies that show the importance of children starting their early years within a high-quality education and caring environment, which include health and well-being. This chapter is based on an action-research study, where four preschools explore the children’s and preschool staff’s experiences of activities that create recovery. The aim was: How can the theory of practice architecture be used to understand preschool staff and children’s experiences of activities that provide well-being, and what promotes alternatives hinder the process? With the support of practice architecture, arrangements have been made visible that promote or hinder the preschools’ work towards creating learning environments and activities that contribute to recovery The practice is shaped by the cultural-discursive, material-economic, and social-political arrangements that frame the practice and constrain or enable it. The result shows for instance that knowledge and a shared understanding of phenomena are necessary for the process, and that planned actions could be hindered by work environment laws and employee absences. The children’s input about recovery and what they liked or disliked gave insights into how the preschools could arrange activities catering to different needs and wishes.









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