Green Banking


Julia Taslima,Kassim Salina


Green banking being a new trend deserves more attention. Understanding green banking, its nature, importance, impact on spreading green, its link to sustainable development goals (SDGs), and Maqasid Shariah is vital. Therefore, this chapter is going to cover the abovementioned essentials. Banks’ financing that care about the environment is green banking. Banks can contribute enormously to restore environmental balance and to preserve a livable condition for future generation through green banking. Only binding regulation can ensure the involvement of banks in green practices, for example, Bangladesh. To face the reality, when leaders are committed to implement SDGs by 2030, involvement of banks in green practices could accelerate the process of implementation. Coincidently, green banking features and objectives are very close to Maqasid Shariah. Based on desk research and document analysis technique, this chapter is going to establish that green banking, SDGs, and Maqasid Shariah are complementary to each other.



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