Treatment of Low-Back Pain With Oxygen-Ozone Therapy


Bonetti Matteo,Maria Ottaviani Gian,Simonetti Luigi,Pellicanò Giannantonio,Bonetti Francesco,Muto Mario


Oxygen-ozone therapy for the treatment of low back pain was introduced for the first time in 1985. Over the years, numerous case studies have been presented in the literature reporting positive results ranging from 75% up to almost 90% in the treatment of low back pain, whether or not complicated by sciatica due to disc-radicular impingement caused by disc herniation. The authors have been carrying out these treatments for over 25 years, and in this chapter, they report their experience in the treatment with oxygen-ozone therapy, first examining the biochemical bases and the mechanisms of action of the gaseous mixture of oxygen and ozone, the various infiltrative techniques, then moving on to evaluate the therapeutic results obtained in the treatment of patients suffering from both discogenic and non-discogenic low back pains caused by pathology of the posterior compartment (facet synovitis, Baastrup syndrome, spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis, facet degeneration).



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