Rebars for Durable Concrete Construction: Points to Ponder


K. Kar Anil


Reinforced concrete is the number one medium of construction. It is important to have good quality concrete and reinforcing bar (rebar). It is equally important to have competent bond between rebar and concrete. About six decades ago ribbed rebars of high strength steel started replacing plain round bars of mild steel, the use of which had made reinforced concrete constructions durable. It was overlooked that ribbed rebars of carbon steel would be highly susceptible to corrosion at accelerated rates. That would not only make reinforced concrete constructions reach states of distress early, that could also destroy or reduce bond between ribbed rebars and concrete. The continued use of ribbed rebars of high strength carbon steel demonstrates a widespread lack of understanding of the phenomenon of bond between rebars and concrete. This lack of understanding of bond has led to the introduction of epoxy coated ribbed rebars, ribbed stainless steel bars and glass fiber reinforced and granite reinforced polymer rebars, all of which permit reinforced concrete carry static loads because of engagement between such rebars and concrete. But the load-carrying capacity of reinforced concrete elements is impaired, and such elements become vulnerable to local or even total failure during vibratory loads. The use of PSWC-BAR, characterized by its plain surface and wave-type configuration, permits the use of medium strength and high strength steel. In the absence of ribs, the rate of corrosion is greatly reduced. The use of PSWC-BARs, at no added effort or cost, in lieu of conventional ribbed bars, leads to enhancement of effective bond or engagement between such rebars and concrete, thereby leading to increased load-carrying capacity, several-fold higher life span, ductility and energy-absorbing capacity, and great reduction in life cycle cost and adverse impact of construction on the environment and the global climate. In keeping with a lack of understanding of bond between rebars and concrete, there is arbitrariness in the selection of the required level of percent elongation and ductility of rebars.



Reference34 articles.

1. Kar, A. K., “Concrete Structures — the pH Potential of Cement and Deformed Reinforcing Bars”, paper; Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), Civil Engineering Division, Volume 82, Kolkata, June 2001, pp. 1-13

2. Kar, A. K., “A Theory on the Performance of Reinforced Concrete Elements,” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers — Journal of Construction Materials,, pp. 1-9

3. Abrams, D. A., “Tests of Bond between Concrete and Steel”, Bulletin No. 71, published by the University of Illinois, Urbana, Vol. XI, No. 15, December 8, 1913

4. ASTM Standard A305, Specification for Minimum Requirements for the Deformations of Deformed Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement, ASTM International, 1947

5. Kar, A. K., “The Search for an Ideal Rebar for Durable Concrete Construction Leads to PSWC-Bar,” International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (IJTIMES); Volume. 5, Issue 09, September 2019, pp. 76-89







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