Contribution to the Management of Toxicological Risks in Burkina Faso: Design Process and Implementation Strategies for a Clinical Toxicology Laboratory


Stanislas Dimitri Meda N.,Fleury Normand,M. Cirtiu Ciprian,Cirimele Vincent,Armand N. Palm Cheick,Kabre Elie


In Burkina Faso, toxicological risks have increased for more than a decade, with the irrational use of chemicals in agri-food and mining activities, as well as the consumption of psychoactive substances (PAS); and are now a public health problem. This situation has led to the establishment of a clinical toxicology laboratory, which now contributes to the diagnosis of poisoning and the prevention of risks to the health of populations through toxicological biomonitoring. The development of this initiative required a proactive approach adapted from the “interconnected chain” innovation process. The creation of a unit called the “Toxicological Analysis and Expertise Service” or “SAET” at the National Public Health Laboratory of Burkina Faso or “LNSP” is the main result of this innovative initiative in Burkina Faso’s health system. If this laboratory now has a certain technical capacity or expertise, it must be strengthened through the acquisition of the additional equipment necessary to increase the supply of expertise. To do this, the strengthening of technical and financial collaborations is essential for the improvement of health security in Burkina Faso in particular and in the world in general.



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