Free Association, Synchrony, and Neural Networks as Evolutionary Exponents in Psychoanalysis


Novac Andrei


The author is proposing a reexamination of our own attitude toward psychoanalysis in modern society. Free association remains a fundamental psychoanalytic technique that has been reported to have separate curative functions. Deconstruction and reconstruction of the human thought process; the reshaping of implicit memory; and the aspects of an individual’s self have all been linked to spontaneous thought and free association. Additionally, neuroscience has revealed that very different and complex neural networks (default mode network, interacting variably, with the executive cortex, etc.) are at play in all these “mental reshaping” processes. Taken together, contemporary psychoanalysis, similar to ancient forms of meditation, stream of consciousness, and the creative process itself in different fields, constitutes evolutionarily based natural processes that are meant to allow for the creation of adaptive thoughts. This, in turn, allows for the creation of solutions in life, mental/psychological survival, and social adaption. The author will conclude with recommendation for further integration of different schools of thought into a unified understanding of psychoanalytic change, in view of nonlinear dynamics in complex system theory.



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1. Free Association, Synchrony, and Neural Networks as Evolutionary Exponents in Psychoanalysis;The Wounds of Our Mother Psychoanalysis - New Models for a Psychoanalysis in Crisis [Working Title];2022-10-11







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