Primary Observational Results on Children Who Have Been Exposed to COVID-19 in Moscow


Rusinova Dina S.1ORCID,Nikonov Evgeniy L.2ORCID,Namazova-Baranova Leyla S.3ORCID,Glazkova Galina P.1,Vishneva Elena A.4ORCID,Kaytukova Elena V.4ORCID,Privalova Tatyana E.4ORCID


1. Children’s City Outpatient’s Clinic № 133 of Moscow City Health Department

2. Moscow City Health Department

3. Research Institute of Pediatrics and Children’s Health in «Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences»; Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Belgorod State National Research University

4. Research Institute of Pediatrics and Children’s Health in «Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences»; Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


Background. The number of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19 is growing worldwide. It is necessary to study features of prevalence and clinical signs in pediatric population considering the fact that this disease is rather new.The aim of the study is to analyze the features of prevalence and clinical signs of pathologic process of COVID-19 in pediatric patients according to the results of practical experience of primary care medical facility (Children’s City Outpatients Clinic № 133) under the conditions of pandemia.Methods. Pediatricians of Children’s City Outpatient’s Clinic № 133 have examined certain categories of pediatric patients (especially who came from abroad or contacted with infection) for the presence of a new coronaviral infection in February 2020. Doctors have been examining children with catarrhal symptoms and hyperthermia since March 2020. The survey of children in February and March was carried out in accordance with algorithms (uniform for adults and children) approved by the Moscow City Health Department. Later, the survey was carried out in accordance with the guidelines for children prepared by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The throat and nose swabs on SARS-CoV-2 were performed for all patients on the 1st, 11th and 13th day of the disease.Results. 1,900 children (or 3.1% of total attached pediatric population) have been examined in our outpatient’s clinic with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method on the presence of the new coronavirus RNA since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia. The course of disease was analyzed in first 100 patients with the confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis: 58 (58%) boys and 42 (42%) girls. In 81% of cases we revealed the source of infection, in 19% – we did not. The disease was asymptomatic in 11 (11%) children examined after the contact with ill relatives; 89% had mild COVID-19 disease with light catarrhal signs. The most numerous group of patients who had COVID-19 consisted of children over 10 years of age (42%); in 20% of cases it was pupils from 7 to 10 years old. Smell disorders were reported in children over the age of 10 in 50% of all cases.Conclusion. New coronaviral infection COVID-19 in children is taking mild course, without complications, under the «mask» of common viral infection. Thus, it is unknown either those who have undergone COVID-19 asymptomatically remain healthy or they need special rehabilitation. The timely development of clear algorithm with step-by-step instructions for various situations for every health professional is crucial during these difficult times.


Paediatrician Publishers LLC

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