Security threats and risk management: European and Chinese responses to the climate disruption


Śliwiński Krzysztof1ORCID,Rakowska Agata2ORCID


1. Hong Kong Baptist University

2. City University of Hong Kong


Most academics and policy makers agree upon irreversible phenomena affecting planet Earth’s climate – we have finally faced a climate disruption. As triggered by humans, environmental degradation ultimately threatens not only the security but even the survival of individuals, communities, states and perhaps even the international system as a whole. This paper addresses differences with regards to risk assessment of climate disruption in Europe and in China. Its departure point is that the divergence between European and Chinese approaches is based on structural and institutional distinctions. Specifically, it tries to assess those distinctions (importance of sovereignty and non-interference) with regards to methods (assessment of vulnerability) and principles (transparency and inclusiveness) of risk assessment. Initial analysis leads to a tentative conclusion, which confirms the importance of political culture in national responses to security threats (be it traditional or non-traditional). In this respect EU-China strategic partnership is suggested as one of the possibly effective platforms for future cooperation.


University of Warsaw

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