1. Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission, Final Report, 29 June 2001, Commissioners: P. L. Chartrand, W. Whitecloud, Elders: E. McKay, D. Young, http://www.ajic.mb.ca/reports/final_toc.html (accessed 15.05.2023)
2. Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission, Report of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry of Manitoba, November 1999, Vol. 1: The Justice System and Aboriginal People, http://www.ajic.mb.ca/volumel/toc.html (accessed 15.05.2023)
3. Ahenakew F., King C., Littlejohn C. I., Indigenous Languages in the Delivery of Justice in Manitoba, research paper prepared for the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry, Winnipeg 1990
4. Allott A., New Essays in African Law, London 1970
5. American 'Killed in India by Endangered Andamans Tribe', BBC, 21 November 2018, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-46286215