Low MHC class II variability in a marsupial


McKenzie LM,Cooper DW


The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) loci have been shown to be highly polymorphic in most eutherian ('placental') species studied. Several hypotheses have been advanced for the maintenance of this exceptional level of genetic variation, one of which suggests that it is necessary for successful eutherian reproduction. Marsupials (metatherians) and eutherians are the only two groups of viviparous mammals, but their modes of reproduction are quite distinct. Although marsupials have placentae, they are generally shorter lived and less invasive than in eutherians. Other investigations have shown that genetic variation at marsupial MHC class I loci is probably high. Weak or non-existent mixed lymphocyte culture responses previously reported in several marsupial species have suggested a lack of class II variation. Data have therefore been collected on the level of restriction fragment length polymorphism at MHC class II beta-chain encoding loci of a marsupial, Macropus eugenii (the tammar wallaby). This level is shown to be low, between the level of MHC variation found in cheetahs and a population of lions with a restricted genetic base. Attention is drawn to the need to collect more data on the level of class II variability in both eutherians and marsupials, and to the potential of marsupials for understanding the relation, if any, between mode of reproduction and MHC variability.


CSIRO Publishing


Developmental Biology,Endocrinology,Genetics,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Reproductive Medicine,Biotechnology

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