1. Filloux, J.H. (1987). ‘Instrumentation and experimental methods for oceanic studies.In‘Geomagnetism’ (ed. Jacobs, J.A.).Vol.1, 144–248. Academic Press, New York.
2. Kaufman, A.A. and Keller, G.V. (1981). ‘The magnetotelluric sounding method.’ Elsevier.
3. Kraichman, M.B. (1970). ‘Handbook of electromagnetic propagation in conducting media.’ Washington DC: US Government Printing Office. This useful publication is more easily referenced as Section II in: Fogiel, M. (1983). ‘The electromagnetics problem solver.’ Research and Education Association, New York.
4. Montgomery, D.B. (1969). ‘Solenoid magnet design — the magnetic and mechanical aspects of resistive and superconducting systems.’ New York: Wiley — Interscience.
5. Vozoff, K. (1991). ‘The magnetotelluric method.’In‘Electromagnetic methods in applied geophysics’ (ed Nabighian, M. N.),Vol. 2, Pt. B, 641–711. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma.