Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees. complex pastures in southern New South Wales, Australia: a comparison with Medicago sativa L. and Phalaris aquatica L. pastures under rotational grazing


Johnston W. H.,Cornish P. S.,Shoemark V. F.


A grazing experiment conducted in Wagga Wagga (New South Wales) from September 1993 to September 1998 compared the productivity of pastures containing 3 palatable types of summer-active Eragrostis curvula complex, with pastures containing either Medicago sativa or Phalaris aquatica. Issues relating to the management of E. curvula pastures were also investigated. Herbage growth rates of the P. aquatica and M. sativa pastures were highest in winter and spring; E. curvula pastures were most productive in summer and autumn. Stocking rates equivalent to 30–40 dry sheep were carried by the pastures during their growing seasons. Throughout the study, the pastures were dominated by their respective sown perennial species, however, a suite of desirable and undesirable annual grasses and annual legumes usually contributed >20% of total herbage mass in spring. The P. aquatica pasture contained a higher proportion of weedy species than the other pastures, especially C4 grasses and broadleafed species, and towards the end of the experiment it was also invaded by several native perennial grasses. Overall, the wool yield from the M. sativa pasture was 0.5–1.0 kg/animal.year higher than the other pastures. Management to minimise herbage accumulation on the E. curvula pastures was a key issue, and provided that pastures were grazed heavily, this was achieved by the rotational grazing strategy used in the experiment. It was concluded that palatable varieties of E. curvula have a useful and complementary role as perennial pastures in southern Australia. By increasing herbage availability in summer and autumn, E. curvula may improve management flexibility for a wide range of pastures that are commonly grown on farms.


CSIRO Publishing


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences







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