The Influence Of Practicing Martial Arts On The Development Of Rural Students


,Caprar Dorel Gheorghe,Ardelean Viorel Petru, ,Kunszabo Mihai Ioan,


Throughout history, physical education has witnessed both periods of prosperity and times of decline. Dating back to the ancient world, it was held in high regard, as evidenced by well-known maxims like "Beautiful and good" (Kalos, Kai, Agatos) and "Mens sana in corpore sano", which encapsulate valuable ideals about the educational ideal. These maxims suggestively reveal the intrinsic unity between physical and mental well-being, highlighting their intricate interplay. However, in the realm of physical education and sports for students, the development of psycho-motor qualities has not always received the attention it deserves. Often, solutions have been proposed without fully considering the educational objectives or precisely defining the role of motor qualities in achieving these objectives and molding students' desired training outcomes.


Universitatea Aurel Vlaicu - Facultatea de Educatie Fizica si Sport

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