1. Federal'nyy nauchnyy centr lubyanyh kul'tur
Abstract. The purpose is testing of a new method of etching flax seeds with a new fungicidal drug with a long-term protective effect of “Sistiva”. Methods. Tested during field experiments on registration tests of pesticides and determination of the economic efficiency of using the results of scientific research in agriculture. The relevance and national economic significance of the development are determined by its relevance to the agroindustrial complex of Russia with the possibility of increasing the efficiency of flax seed etching, replacing old preparations with new ones, contributing to the improvement of biological and economic indicators of flax cultivation technology. The scientific novelty of the research is associated with the priority of searching for acceptable technological methods, including effective plant protection measures, for the flax growing of the Russian Federation. Results. A fungicidal seed protectant “Sistiva” (0.5 l/t), new for flax growing, was identified, which confirmed in field registration tests the long-term protective effect claimed in preliminary experiments and statistically significantly exceeded the effectiveness of the standard seed protectant TMTD (4 l/t). The indicators of the influence of these chemicals on the manifestation of diseases of flax seedlings (anthracnose, ozoniosis (mottling)) and maturing flax plants (anthracnose, septoria (pasmo), aureobazidiosis (polysporosis)), on the yield of flax products are analyzed. In a production environment with the use of an automated etching machine PS-10A, an effective reliable decrease in the manifestation of flax diseases and an increase in its yield associated with the use of the “Sistiva” preparation are shown. In the production experience, he surpassed in biological efficiency and a positive effect on the yield of flax products – the basic seed protectant TMTD. The economic effect of the new recommended option in comparison with the basic one was +15,257 rubles/ha. The environmental and sanitary-hygienic advantages of the use of “Sistiva” over the previously practiced seed etching with toxic chemicals are noted.
Urals State Agrarian University
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science
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