Prospects for the development of exports of sugar and sugar products


Bannikova Natal'ya,Vorob'eva Natal'ya,Kostyuchenko Tat'yana Nikolaevna1


1. Stavropol'skiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet


Abstract. The purpose is to study the current state and features of the development of the world sugar market, develop proposals for supporting exports in the commodity group “Sugar and sugar confectionery” at the regional level in the new conditions of foreign economic activity. Methods. In the course of the study, statistical, analytical, graphical methods, Porter's 5 competitive forces analysis method, as well as regression analysis and expert survey methods were used. Results. This study clarifies the parameters of the global market for sugar products; the competitive positions of Russia in the studied market were analyzed taking into account the situation in 2022, the rating of regions in the export of sugar products was considered, in particular, the state of exports in the Stavropol Territory was studied. Based on the theory of M. Porter, strategies for entering foreign markets in the context of the Sugar and Sugar Confectionery segments were determined and measures for their implementation were proposed. A forecast was developed for further development in certain segments of foreign trade in sugar products in the world, in Russia and the Stavropol Territory, scenarios for the development of exports of sugar products in the Stavropol Territory were substantiated. The novelty of the results lies in clarifying the positions and prospects of Russian exports in the new conditions, taking into account the generalization of the opinions of experts at the regional and federal levels; substantiating of directions for choosing a competitive strategy for Russia when selling goods in the context of two segments (“Sugar” and “Confectionery from sugar”) on the world market; substantiation of the forecast values of exports of sugar and sugar confectionery in the world, Russia and the Stavropol Territory until 2025 using trend analysis; development of development scenarios as part of a strategy to increase the export of sugar and sugar confectionery in the Stavropol Territory.


Urals State Agrarian University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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