Efficiency of application of “Epin-extra” and “Zircon” biostimulants on potato landings in agroecological conditions of Republic of North Ossetia-Alania


Gazdanova Irina,Gerieva Fatima,Morgoev T.


Abstract. Recently, the trend of agricultural biologization has been gaining great importance. When cultivating crops, the use of biostimulants helps to improve the environment and produce environmentally friendly products. The purpose of the work is to identify the effectiveness of the use of biostimulants “Epin-extra” and “Zircon” in the cultivation of potatoes on the background of minimal doses of mineral fertilizers. Impact on productivity, morbidity and quality indicators of tubers. The novelty lies in the fact that for the first time in the agroecological conditions of the foothill zone of North Ossetia-Alania, the effectiveness of the use of the “Epin-Extra” and “Zircon” biostimulants on the indicators of productivity and quality of potato varieties was studied. Methods Accounting and observations were carried out according to generally accepted methods described in the “Educational-methodical guide for research in agronomy”. Results. As a result of the use of biostimulants “Epin-extra” and “Zircon” in combination with minimal doses of mineral fertilizers, they contribute to a reduction in the passage of the phenological phases of plants compared to the control by 8–9 days. The processing of potato tubers before planting “Epin-extra” and “Zircon” in combination with mineral fertilizers in minimum doses provided a high level of yield, on the Background 1 + “Epin-extra” variant by varieties: 33.7–39.1 t/ha. The biostimulants “Epin-extra” and “Zircon” possess not only growth-regulating properties, but also inhibit the development of diseases, in particular, increase plant resistance to late blight by 4.6–6.5 %.


Urals State Agrarian University

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