The essence and implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism management of agricultural enterprises: theoretical aspect


Farvazova1 E.


Abstract. Purpose. The study of the concepts of organizational and economic mechanism of management of agricultural enterprises, methodological approaches to its structure and evaluation of implementation. Methods. The views of domestic and foreign scientists on the content, composition and evaluation of indicators of the organizational and economic mechanism are analyzed. In the course of theoretical and methodological research, a systematic approach was applied using methods of comparative analysis, graphical, abstract-logical, methods of comparison, analogy and generalization. Results. Based on the consideration and synthesis of the concepts of the model study of organizational-economic mechanism, as well as their own conclusions, the proposed elements of the mechanism of agricultural enterprises where the central place is occupied by the state regulation and support of agrarian sector, and also included an additional element – the digitalization of the industry. Comparing positions of scientists concerning the analysis of realization of the mechanism of managing, the author draws a conclusion concerning existence of the indicators characterizing only a financial condition and stability of the agricultural enterprises which concern an organizational and economic component of the mechanism. The scientific novelty consists in the correction of the diagnostic model of the organizational and economic mechanism, according to which the integral indicator of the efficiency of the economic mechanism is calculated on the example of agricultural enterprises and organizations of the Zauralya. The study of the elements and the proposed assessment model of the organizational and economic mechanism of management are the subject to a single goal-competent adjustment of the mechanism levers by both state bodies and economic entities themselves for the successful development of farmers in modern economic conditions.


Urals State Agrarian University

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