The state and some dynamic and commodity-institutional trends in the export of food and agricultural raw materials to the KBR in 2005–2018


Gyatov A.1,Bogatskaya S.,Zhitteeva M.


1. Kabardino-Balkarskiy gosagrouniversitet im. V. M. Kokova


Abstract. Agriculture of Kabardino-Balkariya is among the most developed in Russia. It is also a system-forming branch of the regional economy with huge resources and potential. At the same time, there has been a slowdown in the industry in recent years. The reason for the latter is seen in the exhaustion of the existing model of growth development. Therefore, future growth in the industry is associated with the transition to a new model, the emphasis on the development of new sectors and segments. Exports of food and agricultural raw materials are an important segment of the industry. However, exports are strongly related to the production and industry specialization of the national economy. It is considered promising to develop new competitive advantages based on existing ones. At the expense of the export segment are not only the inflow of foreign currency, but also modernize the industry. However, this appears to be a sufficient share of exports in both GRP and gross domestic product or a particular sector of the national economy. Currently, the share of exports in gross agricultural output in the KBR between 2010 and 2018. exceeded 2 %. Practice shows (and the theory suggests) that this is not enough for the effective development of both the export segment in the national economy of the KBR and its agricultural sector, as well as for the development of agriculture and agriculture in the region. The aim of the work is to identify the main commodity, technological and communication and logistics trends in the development of KBR food exports, on the basis of which to develop measures to increase the level of exports and stimulate export potential in the regional agricultural sector. The study used a set of analytical (index, correlation, dispersion), and descriptive methods. Results: Identified, formalized and quantified links between different sectors and the Agricultural segment and the export of food and agricultural raw materials. The novelty of the results lies in the identification of "empirical trends" in the realization of the export potential of the KBR AIC, through which one of the main provisions of the modern export development strategy, consisting in increasing exports of traditional products, is corrected. Unlike the latter, our proposal is to create new markets, communications and logistics, as well as value chains with elongated and concentrated centers of these chains in the region. This provision allows to form an "export-oriented platform" in the regional economy.


Urals State Agrarian University

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