Results of researching different methods of creating fodder areas in arid region of Northern Caspian


Bulahtina Galina,Podoprigorov Yuriy,Hyupinin Andrey


Abstract. Purpose. The research is aimed at developing methods for creating highly productive and highly nutritious pasture agrophytocenoses, adapted to the extreme conditions of the arid zone of the Northern Caspian region. Methods. The paper provides an assessment of the productivity of perennial one-species (Agropyron) and poly-species (Agropyron, Eutoria, Kochia) agrophytocenoses for a five-year period of their vegetation, depending on the timing (autumn, spring) and sowing methods (ordinary, scattered). Results. These phytocenoses, created in the harsh climatic conditions of the semi-desert on light chestnut soils with a low level of fertility (humus – 0.68 %), starting from the first year, formed the yield 2–7 times higher than the natural pasture. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that a significant role in the creation of arid forage phytocenosis was played by the sowing method and species composition, including the scattered sowing method turned out to be more productive (in monospecific – by 57–70 %, in poly-species – by 63–82 %), the yield of the poly-species composition of the phytocenosis, starting from the second year, increased by 1–2 t/ha for all years of the study in comparison with the monospecific composition both on the row and on the spread method of sowing. Scientific novelty. All created agrophytocenoses for all variants had a fodder value 3–10 times higher than the natural pasture, including the presence of different plant species on the pasture increased the collection of fodder units in comparison with a single-species pasture by 1.5–2 times, and the spread method of sowing also increased the provision of pasture fodder with protein by 0.18–0.2 t/ha. Already by the second year of plant development, it was noted that the presence of shrubs and semi-shrubs on the forage lands creates better conditions than the aftermath of the corn crop for snow retention, and, accordingly, contributes to a greater accumulation of moisture in the soil.


Urals State Agrarian University

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